8th March 2018
ICON Neodrill Conductor Anchor Node has AOG Conference covered

The newly installed Conductor Anchor Node (CAN) features on the 2018 AOG Conference magazine cover of Oil & Gas Australia
It is ICON and Neodrill's first deployment of a CAN in Australasia
Neodrill AS of Norway and Perth based partner, ICON Engineering Pty Ltd have designed, fabricated and installed the first Conductor Anchor Node (CAN) in SE Asia. The CAN forms the beginning of an exploration well, providing huge load capacity in soft soils.
The CAN is pictured here in a Batam construction yard prior to loading and seafastening.
The CAN is a specially designed suction anchor with an integrated, pre-cemented conductor and is installed by boat ahead of the rig's arrival, removing the 36’’ (42’’) hole drilling, conductor running and cementing operations from the rig drilling schedule.
It was recently installed at around 1500m on an offshore West Australian deepwater well by the Siem Amethyst AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply) vessel.
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